Project French Toast

This morning, I woke up with a craving for French Toast. Now, I know I’ve been preaching about how wonderful my recipe is, and how easy it is to make. Now, I’m going to show you how great this french toast really is. I promise, once you try it, you’ll love it. It’s so easy to make that you’ll do it every weekend, or every day if that’s your preference. Here’s how I make the fabulous french toast:

Step 1: Assemble the egg mixture.

Milk, Eggs, and Ground Cinnamon

Milk, Eggs, and Ground Cinnamon

Start by beating two large eggs, two tablespoons of milk, and a tablespoon of ground cinnamon in a bowl. Mix thoroughly, and over a sink, because the cinnamon will fly. When you’re done, your mixture should look like this:

Our beautiful egg mixture

Our beautiful egg mixture

Step 2: Select your bread. I personally love Sara Lee’s Honey Wheat Bread, because it’s on the lighter side, but can still soak up the egg mixture like a sponge. The touch of honey adds a subtle sweet note to the finished product. However, the beauty of french toast is that you can use the bread of your own choosing. You don’t have to make any special purchases. French toast is one of those recipes that is pretty fail safe. It will work with whatever you have.

Honey Wheat Bread

Honey Wheat Bread

Step 3: Get your skillet prepped. Use a large skillet, preferably the largest one you’ve got in your house. Take two tablespoons of butter and melt it over medium heat, around level 4 or 5. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to prevent the butter from burning. The oil acts as a buffer, and has a higher heat resistance. Don’t worry, though, you’ll still get that warm, buttery taste. Have no fear. I won’t lead you astray when it comes to anything involving butter. Just be sure to keep an eye on it. Swirl the butter in the pan to coat it thoroughly like so:

Butter in the pan, y'all!

Butter in the pan, y’all!

Step 4: Dunk that bread! Dip each piece of your bread into the egg mixture, coating each side liberally. Don’t let the bread sit too long, or it will fall apart when you try to handle it. You just want to ensure that there is enough egg absorbed into the piece of bread.

Time to dunk the bread.

Give the bread a dip in the egg-tastic pool of flavor

Step 5: Frying Time! Place your egg-soaked bread in the pan, flipping every two to three minutes.

Here come the glamour shots of the french toast cooking.

Here come the glamour shots of the french toast cooking.

After flipping, dust each side with more ground cinnamon. When heated, the cinnamon takes on a more mild flavor. This makes the french toast taste even more decadent.

More glamorous french toast

More glamorous french toast

I realize I’m getting carried away taking pictures, but I’m so proud of this french toast recipe! I told you making french toast is super easy, and it’s so delicious. Keep flipping every two minutes, so you’re guaranteed not to burn the toast.

Almost done! Who's getting hungry?

Almost done! Who’s getting hungry?

Turn the heat off and let the french toast rest for a couple of minutes. What will you do during those two minutes, you ask? I have a solution. Let’s make a maple brown sugar glaze to drizzle on top of the finished french toast. This glaze is so easy, you could make it in your sleep. First, drizzle in three tablespoons of your favorite maple syrup.

Brown Sugar+Maple Syrup=DELICIOUSNESS

Brown Sugar+Maple Syrup=DELICIOUSNESS

Next, add in two tablespoons of brown sugar. Mix until the sugar and syrup have become a super thick paste. Next, put the bowl in the microwave, cover it with a paper towel, and heat it for 45 seconds. Add a tablespoon of milk, two tablespoons of cinnamon, and three additional tablespoons of syrup and stir. Wasn’t that simple? After you’re done, your glaze should look like this:

Our glaze is looking good!

Our glaze is looking good!

The final step in our french toast saga is to plate the toast and glaze it. Take your toast, arrange it nicely on a plate, and pour as much glaze as your heart desires on top of the french toast. Grab a fork and enjoy!

Ready to eat!

Ready to eat!

Grab your plate, sit down, and relax with your fabulous french toast. Grab a cup of coffee or any breakfast time beverage. You deserve it. Now french toast isn’t as hard to make as you thought, is it? I told you it’s super easy. I hope you enjoy your meal. Come back for dinner tonight, I’ll be doing another posting this evening.

Much love,


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