My History with Food

Food has been a cultural piece of me for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I was lucky to have experienced a variety of tastes and flavors. Let’s just say that if you couldn’t cook in my family, you probably married in. Dinners in my household were always interesting. You see, my dad’s side of the family hails from Louisiana, so there was always some spice and flair in the kitchen. My mom’s side is down home, grass roots African American and Native American. Needless to say, meals were always delicious.

The cornerstone of my family’s culinary background is my six-generation deep family cookbook. The book was passed from daughter to daughter on my mother’s side every time the next generation was born. Grandma got the book in 1954, and Mom got it in 1992. Life unfortunately happened, Mom passed away, and the book is now in my possession. Since 2007, I’ve tripled the size of the cookbook, and if I stick to tradition, I won’t pass it on until I become a grandfather.

I can’t wait to share my recipes with everyone, and I hope that these recipes encourage you to try your hand out in the kitchen, and build your own memories around the kitchen! Stay fabulous and fantastic!



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